Saturday, January 1, 2011

What will 2011 bring to us?

Happy New Year. 2011 will be very interesting. Apple will bring the iPhone to Verizon and maybe other phone providers, the iPad will get an overhaul with camera and retina display. The Macbook Pro gets a facelift and flash drive instead of a hard drive.
But besides Apple are much more companies and products around. Here is my 2011 predictions.

1. Facebook
Facebook will have an IPO mid 2011. Not that Mark Zuckerberg really did want but he got pressure from Government (over 500 share holders) and pressure from his main investors. Apple will offer 30 billion for Facebook and the only way to deny the offer and to make the investors happy is to go public. The trade will go up very fast and after 3 months FB has a value of $70 Billion. The value will go down end of the year when FB faces a few major trials.

2. Groupon
Groupon goes in April public and reaches a market value of $29 Billion.

3. Twitter
Twitter will be bought by Facebook for $1.2 Billion.

4. Skype
Skype will be available on every major mobile platform and will be number one video call application but does still not find ways to make decent money. Apple is going to buy Skype, after FB deal with Apple did not work out.

5. QR codes
QR codes get finally a break through and all major brands are using QR Codes on each product package and print ads to give more details to the product or to allow to purchase items shown in print ads.
A few new start ups with QR ideas are coming but none of them has yet the billion dollar idea.

6. Augmented Reality
Augmented reality will be the 2011 hype, everybody wants to have apps with AR. Many games will use AR, but some really useful applications will come too. Consumer can go in the store hold up the phone and can see instantly in which isle the savings are.

7. Location Location Location
This is the most important part in terms of real estate. In 2011 it will be the most important part for advertising. More and more people are surfing the Internet from their mobile device. Ads will be much more target by location then ever before.

8. Microsoft
Microsoft will have a great 2011. MS will grow extremely their mobile business and end of year 2011, Microsoft will have more apps than Blackberry and sell more mobile phones than BB in the US. Many companies will use MS 7 mobile phones as their business cell phones.
Kinect will be so successful that the first TVs will come out with build in kinect device. Instead of using a remote, the user can switch the channel with waving the hands. The TV will recognize the person in front of the TV and display the personalized screen.

9. Social TV
TVs will be more integrated in online and social. Google TV never made a success but Sony and Samsung learned from Google TV and will offer new TVs with build in Facebook and twitter.

10. 3D
Almost all new movies will be in cinema as 3D, but it does not really make it into the consumer households. Houses with man caves or cinema room will have 3D but the rest stays with normal TV. This will change in 2012 when the 3D TVs don't need glasses anymore and the prices are not much higher than without 3D.

11. Netfilx
I believe 2011 will be hard for Netflix. Netflix need to renew their licenses with Movie companies and have now to pay 10 times more than the last time. This means the costs for the users will go up. Apple, Google and Disney are fighting to buy Netflix.

12. Google
Sergey Brin will announce that he will step back from being active at Google to spend more time with his family. Eric Schmidt will replace Sergey with an former HP executive.

13. Paypal
Mobile smart phones are so common in 2011 that the consumer get used to the idea to pay groceries with the phone. We will learn the only thing we really need is our car key and smart phone. Paypal will be the number one company for payments through smart phones. Paypal will make the first time more revenue than eBay (Paypal is an eBay company).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad.
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